HubSpot vs Salesforce: Which CRM Offers Better Sales Forecasting?

September 12, 2021

Hey there! Are you on the hunt for the perfect CRM software to help your business take its sales game up a notch? Look no further than HubSpot vs. Salesforce. Both are popular software options that offer sales forecasting capabilities, among many other features.

But which one offers better sales forecasting? Let's find out.

What is Sales Forecasting?

Before we dive into comparing the two CRMs, let's first understand what sales forecasting is. Sales forecasting is the process of estimating future sales for a business. It can help businesses plan their sales and marketing strategies, setting goals and targets for the team to work towards.

Here's how HubSpot and Salesforce stack up against each other in terms of their sales forecasting capabilities.

HubSpot's Sales Forecasting

HubSpot's sales forecasting tool allows businesses to easily predict their revenue by setting targets based on deals in the pipeline. The CRM takes into account historical sales data, team performance, and other factors to give an accurate estimate of what the final revenue may look like.

One of the strengths of HubSpot's sales forecasting is its integration with other tools in the CRM. For example, businesses can use HubSpot's marketing analytics to better understand the impact of marketing efforts on sales. This can help marketers adjust their strategies and improve the bottom line.

Salesforce's Sales Forecasting

Salesforce's sales forecasting tool is also a powerful option for businesses. The CRM uses AI and machine learning to analyze historical data, opportunity stages, and other factors to predict future revenue. Salesforce's forecasting is highly customizable, allowing businesses to set custom fields and rules to create a more accurate prediction.

One of the strengths of Salesforce's sales forecasting is its ability to forecast on a granular level. Businesses can see forecasts not just on an overall level, but for individual teams, departments, and even individual sales reps.

Which One is Better?

It really depends on the needs of your business. HubSpot's sales forecasting tool is easy to use and integrates well with other features in the CRM, making it a good option for businesses that use HubSpot for their marketing efforts. Salesforce's sales forecasting is highly customizable and can be adjusted to fit the unique needs of your business.

Both CRMs offer powerful sales forecasting capabilities, so go with the one that feels like the best fit for your organization's needs.


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